Strength from pain


New member
Hi everyone. My name is Jim. I'm 30 years old. I work as a counselor for children with terminal illness. I am a devoted father to my four little ones. I weigh 322 lbs and it makes me feel very bad about myself.

I've recently had some really horrible things said to me. That I'm gross. That I'm disgusting. That I'm ugly and fat. These things cut me deeply and I was pretty crushed. It's one thing to contend with your own feelings of self hate... But to have them validated like that is something else.

I will not let that be the last word. I am going to fix myself, not for the person who said this, but for myself. I am strong and I have worth.

... Enough with the serious talk :)

I'm happy to be here and I'm happy to feel the support of this community as well as offer my own support. I am currently following a ketogenic diet, as strictly as possible, and using a treadmill at my home daily. I intend to incorporate weight lifting into my lifestyle once I am closer to my goal weight. I look forward to getting to know you all!
And here I've decided to upload a picture of myself. I'm not proud of it. But one day I will be. I will show it off to everyone as a testament to how far I came! That's the plan anyway <--- my recent "before" pic

Sorry, I couldn't get the image uploaded on this site correctly, so I used a hosting site and linked instead!
Welcome to the forum.
I'm sorry that someone has been so hurtful in their comments to you. Ignore them.
No-one - not even you - has the right to think such mean thoughts.

It is good however when we find the strength to adopt a healthier lifestyle - and you should be congratulated for the steps you have taken.
Walking is a wonderful exercise and food control - whether it is a ketogenic food plan or other healthy food plan - is crucial to losing weight.

Keep being good. If we stick together - we can all make our weight loss dreams come true.
Thank you for your kind words. You're absolutely right about sticking together.

I was overweight my whole life, from middle school until adulthood. When I was 22 years old I stepped on the scale and couldn't believe what I saw. 280lbs. That very day I changed how I ate, my activity level, everything. I lost over 100 lbs. I then met my wife and was happy for years. Then the healthy diet falls off, but you maintain from exercise. But then the exercise tapers off as well. And then the weight comes back. I ballooned back up and plus thirty pounds.

I intend to get it done again

If anyone needs any assistance or advice, I'm more than able to give my two cents.
Welcome to the Forum, I also follow a Keto lifestyle

You can achieve your goal and members here are very supportive !

That's horrible! Just remember your children love you very much and must think the world of you!

Good luck on your journey to losing weight. A tip whicb is helping me, I purchased like 5-7 exercise dvds on eBay for like £20 and do whichever throughout the week so I don't get bored. I looked at reviews before I bought them though.

We can do it
Good luck Jim