Strength/cardio ratio

Greetings everyone!

Its my first post here and I am really happy to find this great forum.

I have been regularly training for about 4 months. My workout is a combination of strength cardio training. I am 23, 175cm tall and weigh 73 kilogram.

Monday - Chest/back/abs + cycling for 30 minutes
Tuesday - off
Wendesday - Legs + cycling for 30 mins
Thursday - off
Friday - Arms/shoulders/bicepts + cycling for 30 minutes
Weekend - off

I would like to burn fat and lose weight and I will add cardio to the off days. However I have several questions.

1- Is it better to do cardio after strength training or shall I do cardio only on off days. That is to say shall I do both strength and cardio during the same day or do a routine of strength one day and cardio the other?

2- Will I lose more fat if I do cardio without eating anything in the morning?

3- Shall I put in a single off day once in a week or shall I do cardio everyday in a week?

Thanks alot!
I resistance train in the morning and don't eat until afterwards. (mostly because I am not hungry first thing in the morning). I try to do aerobic exercise every evening. Now days it is inline skating but on bad days we use the DDR mats. I tried the stationary bike but it boors me to tears.
1) I always do my cardio after weights, never before. There is a sound physiological reason for this (which I'm sure someone else will be able to explain) it has to do with energy sources in the body and not depleting them through cardio prior to lifting weights.

2) Technically yes. If you can get up in the morning and train (I have never been able to) you will be doing what is known as 'fasted cardio' which is supposed to tap directly into your energy source (ie. fat) - Whether or not the difference it makes is a significant one is a widely debated.

3) Rest days are very important.