Strength and speed along with endurance

Hello everyone, this is my first post, and I was hoping some of you could provide me feedback on how to achieve my current personal fitness goals. Many people I've spoken with are saying my goals are not achievable, so your feedback is greatly appreciated!

Here's the deal ... I'm 29 years old, 6'1", 180 lbs, and haven't worked out much for the past 6 years. I used to be a fitness FANATIC, so now I'm trying to get back in shape and create a program that will maximize my strength, speed, AND endurance.

My goals:
- 300 lb 1 rep bench
- 20 pullups
- sub 5 minute mile
- sub 30 minute 5 mile

I've chosen these because all of them I could do at one time in the past.

In HS, I was a skinny cross country runner, and ran a 4:48 mile (but typically ran it right at 5:00) and once ran a 29:30 5 mile. However, I couldn't bench more than about 115, nor could a do more than a handful of pullups.

In college, I got into weightlifting, put on almost 100 lbs, and could bench 300 lbs, full squat 400 lbs, and perform 20 pullups, but then I couldn't even run an 8 minute mile, and would have died trying to run a 5 miler.

So now I'm trying for the best of both worlds. Has anyone tried to achieve great strength while building endurance? Your experience doesn't have to be with running, I'm just looking for ideas.

BTW - I've been working out for a month now, and my current progress is:
- 225 bench (up from 185)
- 6-7 pullups (up from 3)
- 6:25 mile (down from 7:30)
- not measuring 5 mile yet, have only run 1 or 2 5+ mile runs

Thanks in advance,
Wow that looks pretty good already...I'm sure you'd find something along the lines of what you're looking for in fighters such as boxers and the like. But I personally don't have any experiences you'll find useful. Good luck.