Sport strangest thing you've ever eaten?

Sport Fitness
What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?

For me it's (sorry pet lovers) dog and bat.

The dog was offered to us on a motorbike trip by a family who had just fixed my bike, so I didn't think it'd be polite to decline. There were two kinds: Stewed and grilled, I can't say either was very tasty. The bat tasted a bit like chicken, and was not very meaty as you could imagine.
Huhu Grubs.
For me it will have to be squid and a grasshopper :X the Squid comes in little strips, and has a strong fishy taste. The (fried) grasshopper I had in Thailand tasted a bit like french fries...
Nothing too weird for me, I've had Rabbit and Shark though, not sure if they count?

Shark reminds me of Swordfish, probably needs a hint of lemon to bring out the flavour. Rabbit is a very mild tasting meat, seemed a bit too fatty to me
Nothing too terribly exotic.

I've had alligator on several occasions, also squid (fried), both of which I love.

I've had rabbit, squirrel, and raccoon as well, a couple of times.

Other than that, I can't think of anything.
Krystal Burger, it was the only place open

I've also had;
Gator Tail
Rattle Snake
Squirrel, yuck

Food that I hunted; said Squirrel, Dove, Quail, Hog
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rocky mountain oysters

alligator is good stuff!

ummm, are rocky mountain oysters what I think they are? I think we refer to them simply as mountain oysters.

Ostrich made me remember that I've had emu, which I would guess tastes about the same. I've also had emu egg, scrambled - it's a bit stronger tasting than chicken eggs, but about the same, except one egg makes an entire skillet full.
Ostrich made me remember that I've had emu, which I would guess tastes about the same.

I can't remember what it tasted like (I even cooked it along with the Elk),
they had Beck's on tap and by the time I was done cooking I had killed all my taste buds for the day...:beerchug:

But I do believe they taste pretty much the same....
Squirrel, Dove, Gator Tail, Emu nothing too weird :)