stomach shrinking


New member
my stomach today feels like its really tight or like its shrunk, is this a normal feeling to have when loseing weight? today i`ve eaten a bowl of cereal piece of fruit and a large plate of pasta, i got up late today so missed having a sandwich.
2. Myth or Fact: If you cut down on your food intake, you'll eventually shrink your stomach so you won't be as hungry.

Answer: Myth. Once you are an adult, your stomach pretty much remains the same size -- unless you have surgery to intentionally make it smaller. Eating less won't shrink your stomach, says Moyad, but it can help to reset your "appetite thermostat" so you won't feel as hungry, and it may be easier to stick with your eating plan.

3. Myth or Fact: Thin people have naturally smaller stomachs than people who are heavy.

Answer: Myth. While it may seem hard to believe, the size of the stomach does not correlate with weight or weight control. People who are naturally thin can have the same size or even larger stomachs than people who battle their weight throughout a lifetime. "Weight has nothing to do with the size of the stomach. In fact, even people who have had stomach-reducing surgeries, making their tummy no larger than a walnut, can override the small size and still gain weight," says Levy.

It's a mental thing..which isn't bad.
2. Myth or Fact: If you cut down on your food intake, you'll eventually shrink your stomach so you won't be as hungry.

Answer: Myth. Once you are an adult, your stomach pretty much remains the same size -- unless you have surgery to intentionally make it smaller. Eating less won't shrink your stomach, says Moyad, but it can help to reset your "appetite thermostat" so you won't feel as hungry, and it may be easier to stick with your eating plan.

3. Myth or Fact: Thin people have naturally smaller stomachs than people who are heavy.

Answer: Myth. While it may seem hard to believe, the size of the stomach does not correlate with weight or weight control. People who are naturally thin can have the same size or even larger stomachs than people who battle their weight throughout a lifetime. "Weight has nothing to do with the size of the stomach. In fact, even people who have had stomach-reducing surgeries, making their tummy no larger than a walnut, can override the small size and still gain weight," says Levy.

It's a mental thing..which isn't bad.

mm thats interestin. at this point now i`ve lost the most amount of weight ever so it might just somthing to do with that, i know when i was thin i used to get a tight sensation alot like i was loseing weight.
Mentally, you have started to accept that you don't need to eat as much as you use to. There is also the idea that you might be eating slower. We overweight people tend to eat fast, not letting the signal of 'full' hit our brain when we actually are full.
I really do agree about the appetite thermostat and thats its mostly mental. I used to be able to finish three pieces of chicken, biscuit, jalepeno bombers, and fries with no problem. Now I can barely manage to finish a leg, thigh and biscuit. It's definitely a motivator to know that my mind is on my side with food now instead of trying to foil me into eating more than I should.