stomach pains whilst running

i keep getting stomach pains in my lower abdomen. it feels like period pains but worse. it comes and goes last either from 5 mins up to 30 mins normally i have to stop running and crouch or lay on my back til the pain goes. also happens with other physical exercises. have u got any ideas what this could be
is it at the bottom of your ribs... or is it navel or lower?

it it is near the ribs.. that would be normal... some people call them stiches... strengthen your stomach muscles... and they stop happening... also making sure your stomach isn't full of food when you work out helps... also when then start coming on... focusing on breathing helps... make sure you exhale completely... and try to start your exhale on alternating feet... like start exhaling when left foot lands... next exhale on right foot... or if you were paying attention and were breathing out on the right foot exclusively then switch to the left... but for me I am rarely paying that close attention... because it doesn't happen very often anymore for me... so when it does I alternate and then pick the side that feels better until the stich goes away... I also usually slow down a bit...

IF your pain is not near the ribs... then I would see a doctor... it could be a number of things... and I am not a doctor...
I get that sometimes and but it goes as soon as i fart. Too much dryed fruit. anyway -do you have any kind of hypermobility? if so, it can affect your connective tissue and maybe the bouncing up and down is straining the stuff keeping your womb in place. bit of a long shot that though.
no it more the lower stomach. i know its not a stitch cos i can usually run through them but this really gets me down. i normally run an hour an half to two hours after iv eaten. im quite lost but it becoming a real pain when im trying to train. cheers for that though. x
maybe you are low on electrolytes? i remeber having real problems with stomach cramps when i started running it was so bad i only could stand still couldn't breathe it was awfull i bought some sport drink with electrolytes it works ok good luck mate if it wont stop maybe you should visit the doc
I think it is food. You want to run on an empty stomach to avoid stomach pains. Biking is definitely easier because of less pain in the stomach.