Stomach Fat Loss

Hey, I'm 13, 5'3, 90 pounds, and I have a bit of a fat stomach. I do crunches everyday to build the muscle but I know I need to lose the fat to see definition. I run everyday but sunday around 3 miles to help with that. Does anyone have any ideas how to lose the fat stomach???

Thanks here is a list of my stats:

Age: 13 (I haven't hit puberty yet)
Height: 5'3
Weight: 90
Exercise Amount: Crunches and runnning everyday
Diet: South Beach for two months

You don't need to be on a diet !!! You need more frequent meals. If you eat every 2-3 hours your body will change and not store as much fat. Keep this in mind are very young. Your body has fat because it needs it for growth. This is actually a good thing for you. You are young enough that lifting weights would not be good for your body while it grows. Wait till you are 15 at least. The running will keep you in great shape. Just eat well (NO MCDONALDS !) and eat every 2-3 hours during the day. Drink lots of water. And don't listen to any bonehead who says you are fat (even if it's you!)
5'3" and only 90 pounds? I'm with Johnny, you DO NOT need to be on a diet. I calculated your body mass index, and it's 15.9---this is RIDICULOUS, anything below 18.5 is considered underweight. I'm only 5"1", weigh 103, and have a BMI of 19....I have a six pack that is more defined than most of my guy friends----and I don't diet or do ab workouts. Your problem is not that you need to lose fat, it is that you need to EAT and give your body the nutrients it needs to build muscle. When you don't eat properly your body LOSES muscle.
budhicks1 said:
Eat,Eat,Eat! Just pick quality foods, no diet!

wow I'm 5'3 and I weigh 143lbs :eek: thats crazy...I am 22 though but still healthy weight for my heighthas been between 125-130 it varies I've seen as low as 115 but no way will I want to get that small.....I wouldn't feel healthy, I agree with everyone else eat more you will feel better, make sure you are eating healthy foods lots of greens (veggies)
:-D im 5'6 145 , im seeing 4 abs now that im eating right ( no reg soda, no chips , no ice cream ) since ive been eating better i cut down on sit ups, from what ive learned here the only way to get abs is your DIET!!!

as far as loosing your stomach fat , when u work out or do cardio or run your body releases fat from all areas not just one specific area , so just eat better and keep up the running...and be patient things DO NOT happen over night
You may want to consider doing some high intensity interval running training.

Say you wanted to run for an hour, then you'd split it up into say 5 minutes jogging, 5 minutes running and 2 minutes flat out and so on. Obviously, 1 hour is a bit too much so you can decide the amount of time that is best for you.