stitches when running?



i sometimes get stitches when running. is this because i ate too soon beforehand or am over doing things? is there any way of avoiding this?
oh sorry Underdog

yes, if you have food bouncing in there it will give you that, but-- strengthening your abs is the best cure. In long distance events we even trained to run with food. I could eat meatlof and potatoes and go directly out and run. Did it many time to train.

Strengthen your core, run with good posture, do not suck in your belly when you run, and you will not get them any longer.

Becoming a good runner takes more than running.

for core strength, we even have this Friday a challenge for doing planks. Join in.

it is in the challenges section
communication error/

I hope stitches means cramps. Here it means a doctor sewed up a wound. In which case, you are definately not running right.