"Still healthy but giving up sedentary life-style" club


New member
Hi guys, I have a problem - in the last year or so, I've gone up from 120-125lbs to 136lbs & I feel very uncomfortable in my body. I thought I'd try a diet to see if I could go back to my normal weight

But counting calories made me absolutely miserable. Especially because I did eat a lot before trying to diet - lots of junk-food this year but I was quite healthy before. I really don't think dieting is for me 'cus I haven't got the will-power to stick to it; but if I keep eating & living the way I am, pretty soon I'm just going to be a giant blimp.

I gained 10-15lbs in the first place because I laid around on my ass the whole day & I ate cookies & cakes without any control. Last weekend I managed to finish off a whole supreme pizza in 2 days. But that meant only 1680 calories a day so it wasn't awful from that end - just awful because of all that fat.

I've decided to forget counting calories & eat healthy but not deny myself food that I want. I'm going to eat more vegetables to fill myself up more & go walking for 1.5hrs every day.

I'm 136lbs & I want to get down to about 120-125lbs - but more importantly, I want the fat rolls on my back & stomach to go away & my clothes to fit me again.

I'm 5'7.5 so even at 136lbs, I'm completely healthy - but my frame is small so even though my weight is ok, I have back-fat & love-handles & jiggly thighs - all very uncomfortable.

Is my plan to eat more veggies & walk more enough to get me back down to 120-125lbs?
it sounds like it could be the start you need, i think most people start off a bit shakky with alot of it up in the air but what i did was gradually cut down and made sure i was eating the right things. i`m still finding things now i`m doing wrong but when your in the routine of eating healthy its so easy to see what your doing wrong.
Hi there, flame_retardant :waving:

I am in a very similar boat and would love to join this 'club'. :)
I'm a female, 21, 5'2" and 135 (which, like you, is in the healthy range. But because of my small bones I've got loads of extra goo and jiggle ;) )
I've never really been healthy, and dropping the last 20-30lbs and changing my lifestyle was one of my resolutions this new year.
I have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) so I have huge issues with binge eating (especially chocolate, lol...), and on top of that, I can admit that I'm very lazy and spend most days on the couch reading or watching TV.

My goals are these:
Walk every day, for at least 45mins (I'm currently unemployed so this is easy peezy)
Eat healthier foods (I've been on a 1250 cal/day diet for 6 years, eating 5 small meals a day, but a lot of times I eat junk food instead of good stuff)
And take my vitamins every day. Haha, I take about 20 pills a day because of how little nutrition I feel I get from my food. I'm hoping that as my diet improves I'll be able to cut down on my vitamins.

Even though it's raining today, I'm calling this Day 1 and getting my padded butt out there! ;)