Weight-Loss Stevia, Sugar Substitute?



New member
Anybody tried? They said is no calories, good for health, and is helping in sugar addiction fight! [link removed]
I found on the net liquid and plant..what is best?
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I tried it and found it absolutely disgusting. The taste is horrible, and it leaves an almost slimy residue in your mouth. It also gave me an instant raging headache, worse than any aritificial sweetener.

Just wondering...what's sugar addiction?
I haven't tried it, but I recently heard (from what I consider to be a reliable source) that research into stevia is extremely preliminary and that for that reason it's to be used with extreme caution if at all (as, if this person is right, the effects on human physiology are at this stage unknown).

Personally, I stick to the natural sweetness of fruit and vegetables to sweeten most things, and if I have to reach for a sweetener (which isn't often), grab the sugar (and count the calories) or artificial sweeteners which have been researched and thus have a risk profile. (I don't sweeten most things- you get used to it)

And personally, I think the word "addiction" is thrown around too freely these days. I don't think sugar addiction is nearly as common as some people (particularly those with something to sell you) make out.
I tried it and didn't like it either.

The only sweetener i like is Natvia. It is very very low on calories and it is all natural.
I've tried it. I prefer Splenda though. I find it doesn't taste like anything, and I don't want to put in 2 satchels.