Sterling Grant Laboratories 3 Week Rapid Weight Loss System


New member
With this program you take

1. Lipovarin
2. Thyrotril
3. Aquadrene

Has someone already experience with that ?

And yes, most people will say : No pills, do it so and so .. but it would interest me anyway :)
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Haven't tried it - - - but it sounds enticing, just like every other magic diet pill out there. Believe me, I've spent thousands of dollars on that crap. Unfortunately, we end up at diet and exercise. As simple as it sounds, it is the hardest thing to accept.
Sorry :(
Just make the appropriate changes to your diet and you will be fine. The stuff thats in this product will give you a better mood and a bit of energy, other than that.... it isn't anything special. Not to derail the thread, but in my opinion these fat-burners are a waste of your money (sometimes).

All it takes to melt off fat is these two things:

#1. Diet. What you eat is 80% of bodybuilding / health. Your calorie intake should be about 85-90% of what you need to maintain your size.....and if you do #2, your body will use its fat stores for energy. Make sure you are eating CLEAN, and take out high carb meals like spaghetti to reduce your calorie intake to the proper amount.

#2. Cardio. Can't burn off fat without doing cario (at least not at any decent rate). You should get a heart rate monitor and do cardio at 65-75% of your max heart rate (which you should get a doctor to test, since the 220-age can be a fair amount off). This heart rate area (60-80% in actuality, but find your own best area within) is what you need to burn off fat.

3x 45min-1hr cardio days a week, and 15mins max of light cardio after your weights for a few months, and you will see it melt off like butter. (so long as you also eat better, and maintain a slightly lower than needed calorie intake).

Stairmasters and Stationary bikes (ones where you are sitting up high, knees only slightly bent) are two of the best ones I've used for burning off fat.

Fat Burners can give you a very small percentage increase in your fat burning, but 98% of it comes from your diet (IE: foods).

Check out this product, you mind like it-

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have you ever noticed that all these fad pills usually say '...combined with a good diet and exersize you will loose ....' - i mean DUH! no f*cking shit :D
Yes, for the same reason people don't take aspirin because they simply don't like pills .