Sport Step 1

Sport Fitness
Well at this point I've concluded and figured out my diet is going to make and break who I am and how well I do with this. Quick run down:

21, Male, 5'10", 198 lbs, Body Fat unknown.
Goal: Fat loss currently. I'd like to rank somewhere like 6-10% body fat.

Right now I'd like to break down just by rough time sections what I eat and get some feedback. Here's my biggest issue(2):

#1: I am picky, and not because I won't try stuff, I have had little success with new foods. So really I have no issues witha stagnant diet. Now a new approach I will probably take is cooking my own meals and everything but my schedule is INCREDIBLY busy with stuff. Basically I will try something once assuming it is fesible and doesn't interfer with #2 and if I like it I can put into my meals everyday and be ok. I don't lose interest due to the same thing over and over again.

#2: Texture/chewing kills me. I have a LOT of issues chewing my food, especially properly. Certain textures regardless of flavor make me feel sick. Salads for example, everything I've tried tastes good but the texture makes my body feel sick. I can't eat noodles but I can eat angel hair pasta fine. If anyone has a way to get over this PLEASE help me because this kills a LOT of food options for me. (I am aware this also may be partially associated to a bad diet for so long but breaking this habit, well, it's a resort I'd really like to avoid by just beating it through my head that I will eat this stuff.)

Breakfast Foods:
I eat Cheerios with a small amount of Skim Milk every morning after I wake up. I am considering adding a banana to my mornings as well and possibly eggs. I also drink a glass of 16oz glass of the milk. I also usually have a breakfast bar from South Beach Diet for a late morning snack for a 2nd meal pretty much everyday(2 hrs after breakfast usually). Is this a solid morning start for proper intake? What can I improve? What should I continue? I am aware this isn't a balance of calories over intake times but I intend to work on that later. I just want to get my pantry/abilities for cooking over to a HEALTHY regime. I will also be looking into making my own bars eventually but considering I can't cook crap yet and I have very few utencils to do so I am willing to accept prebought good stuff that I can eat without taste issues.

Lunch+Dinner coming later. Probably when I get bored at work tonight.
Ok here's the next part(Told you I'd be bored at work today.)

I work two jobs and well, this creates for a tough schedule. 6-7 meals a day REALLY isn't much of an option to push for especially because of this.

Job #1: Sales Associate for electronics Big Box. I'm usually only floor associate so I really can't leave for more than a couple minutes at a time. I MAY be able to get my manager to approve it and well, face it, I can probably eat on the floor since I'm hidden in the corner. But I'd like to focus on trying to keep 3 standard meals. (This absolutely SUCKS considering I keep seeing 6-7 being better for my goals.)

Job #2: Domino's delivery. Minimal food intake obv. When I do eat there I make my own stuff and try and keep it as intelligent as I can. Eating is variable on business(people eat at stupid hours, whenever I try to eat.)

Now as for the rest of my lunch/dinner stuff since that is usually what my jobs effect the most.


Sandwiches. Peanut Butter and Apple Jelly on Honey Wheat and Cheese Mriacle Whip on Honey Wheat. I know my contents suck but I can actually eat these. Cooked food is about my best solution but that is REALLY hard at my locations. Going to try SOuth Beach Diet ChickenWraps and once I get cooking go solo on that. Trying to get some whole grain pasta for my afternoon meal as well. I usually eat 1-2 rice cakes as well. A fruit usually a banana occasionally an apple. Maybe a meal bar from South Beach Diet(I'm a supporter so far, I like the composition and flavor.). Then a light snack afterwards(Bar/Rice Cake or something).

Yeah. Sandwiches, SOuth Beach Diet pizzas, Spaghettios(On the way out), and well... Occasionally I make my own tacos. Wow yeah, this sucks. I also usually eat my dinner after my workout but we'll see what changes if I can get morning work outs in place(hah).

So I know, my diversity sucks and I'm running on little option. Cooking will expand this considerably. I just need to get stuff rolling there and I don't like the idea of cooking for 15-30 mins to have the meal turn bad and I go hungry even longer(Frustration). I can't eat any vegetables so far but corn, I've tried and I don't getalong with them. I'd appreciate any suggestions as at some point I need to evolve this. I eat a crapload of beef and that's like the main input. I'm looking to incorporate chicken and fish into my diet more as I learn to cook.