Rice is not bad for you. Lots of rice is not good for you. People need to start thinking of foods in terms of a single part of a whole eating plan ... not as one single standalone food.
Honestly I don't have a problem with that at all. It works well for some people. What I have a problem with is demonizing a food as "bad" ... when it's not.That's hard for a lot of people! For instance, my husband wants to just avoid any food that is on the 'don't eat too much of' list (Mostly the high GI foods). He finds it simpler, and he doesn't have to worry that he'll cross the line of when the amount is past 'reasonable'. He also has zero desire to count calories, and this restricts him enough that he's eating at a deficit without counting...
Avoiding high GI foods is a good idea, but there are some things on the 'don't eat too much of' list that you really should get some of, like omega-3 fats.That's hard for a lot of people! For instance, my husband wants to just avoid any food that is on the 'don't eat too much of' list (Mostly the high GI foods). He finds it simpler, and he doesn't have to worry that he'll cross the line of when the amount is past 'reasonable'.
That's hard for a lot of people! For instance, my husband wants to just avoid any food that is on the 'don't eat too much of' list (Mostly the high GI foods). He finds it simpler, and he doesn't have to worry that he'll cross the line of when the amount is past 'reasonable'. He also has zero desire to count calories, and this restricts him enough that he's eating at a deficit without counting... On the other hand, I am still shooting for a reduced insulin response, but I try to judge by the whole meal, and not by a specific ingredient.
But he's still losing weight, and he was able to get off his cholesterol medication, so if it works for him... Well, as long as he doesn't expect me to do the same