Weight-Loss Starving to bloated. Why?



New member
This is idea was sparked when Courtney20 mentioned that sometimes when you feel hungry, if you wait a little while the hunger goes away. I've noticed this happens quite a bit, especially when I'm dieting. Here's what normally happens, on a week day, when school has taken up over half my day and I've only had an unhealthy lunch to eat, I get home and I'm starving. So, I cook some poptarts (yeah, great food huh?) but when I go to eat the poptarts, I'm not hungry at all. I actually feel kind of sick, like I've overeaten.

As I'm typing this I feel the same way. I had eggs and toast for breakfast, some sushi earlier, and popcorn at the movies. I usually eat more than this on a weekend. Right now I'm really hungry and yet at the same time, the thought of food is making me sick.

Overall, what I'm wondering is why do people feel this way at times? Is our body saying "I'm Hungry!" but our mind saying "No, I'm not!" What's going on?

Thanks, Eric.
Maybe it means that rather than not wanting food at all, you've stopped finding the thought of junk food to be completely unappetizing. Pop tarts? Theatre popcorn? I feel a little ick just thinking about those too.

Once you start eating healthy, your stomach seems to start getting a lot pickier about what you eat, even if your mouth doesn't. I say, listen to your stomach. When you get hungry next, reach for some fruit or veggies or whatever you happen to have in the fridge that isn't *completely* factory processed.
Interesting point Beagle. I didn't think about it like that. I never say no to a good ol' fashioned banana. :D I also don't think my body knows the difference between full and hungry. My poor, confuzzled stomach. :(
sometimes when you think your hungry, its actually thirst. some people's brains confuse the two. so when you start feeling hungry, try drinking a glass of water and wait 15 min or so. if its real hunger, it will persist. if not, the water will satisfy you!
Good point by wonderwoman that the body can signal us that it's thirsty by feeling hungry. If the hunger does not go away by drinking some water though, please eat. It doesn't do the body justice to go without it's much needed fuel.
