Starting to train for 12km run...

My PT is going to be on holidays for 2 weeks starting from the 15th of March so I want to start training for this 12km run. My current program consists of...
Monday: Boot Camp
Tuesday: Weight training
Wednesday: Boot Camp
Thursday: PT, which I like to use the TRX or we go for a run (about 9km)
Friday: Boot Camp

So when he goes away, I have 2 weeks of training to myself which I am looking forward to. The 12km Bay2Bay run is at the end of June. I did an 8.2km fun run a month ago and when I go out for runs with my PT, it has been around the 9km mark.

I want to keep up weight training for the 2 weeks and I want to do the running. Does anyone have a good running plan for these two weeks? Thanks in advance :)
Any ideas people?
Where is the Bay to Bay run? I know I've had a heap of questions for you re: a pt! I used to do a lot of road running before the days of beer, pies and women (not always in that order lol)

You need to get a distance base to start from. So you probably want to do one long run a week of at least 15 km, then a couple of easy runs around 6 to 8 km as well as a hills session and maybe intervals. With all your cross training your fitness would be awesome anaroebically. Build up to the 15 km though