Starting to train after 6 weeks of laziness

I've been an avid runner and fitness enthusiast.
I input alot of cardio in my trainings(boxing) and running about twice a week.
I'm going to start running after about 6 weeks of slacking, binge eating and lazing around.
I want to pick up my stamina first, how would you guys suggest I start off?
if all you say is true, then you wouldn't be asking this.

6 weeks no biggie, either.
i know how you feel big guy.

I had 8 weeks off, put on 15lbs and found it really difficult to get off my butt and get running.

I checked out the net for some help and came across this great UK site called fitFAQs co uk. Set up by some hot shot PT whose written a few books and found some great info. You cn download free running guides for 10km, Half marathon and marathons and even though i ain't running that seriisouly, i found the 10km guide awesome.

good luck man - enjoy your running
aerobic base would probably have gone down a bit since you starting 'lazing around' but 6 weeks wouldn't have taken a lot out. But I would reccomend starting slowly and increasing the intensity and duration over time
Like the previous posters have said, 6 weeks should hurt you THAT much. Of course you won't be able to run the distances you did before, but getting back to that level shouldn't be hard. You just need to go hit the pavement.