I've got asthma, and recently I was thinking about running on a treadmill I have at home to build up my aerobic fitness and all that.
I was just wondering if anyone could tell me or point me towards a good guideline for starting out and progressing through my fitness routine, i.e., what kind of pace I should start out with, how long I should run at that pace, what time and/or pace intervals i should increase by; proper stretch, warm-up, and cool-down routines and all that. Also, what time of the day is best to exercise and how many times a week i should do it, etc. Maybe I'm making this whole put-one-foot-in-front-of-the-other thing a little too complicated, but I like to know I'm doing things the right way.
Weight loss isn't the issue; I'm skinny enough as it is. I just want to build up some wind so I don't gasp for breath as much when I'm playing basketball with the guys, don't have to breathe so hard after so much as a briefly sustained brisk walk, sleep better, all those benefits of aerobic exercise.
I was just wondering if anyone could tell me or point me towards a good guideline for starting out and progressing through my fitness routine, i.e., what kind of pace I should start out with, how long I should run at that pace, what time and/or pace intervals i should increase by; proper stretch, warm-up, and cool-down routines and all that. Also, what time of the day is best to exercise and how many times a week i should do it, etc. Maybe I'm making this whole put-one-foot-in-front-of-the-other thing a little too complicated, but I like to know I'm doing things the right way.
Weight loss isn't the issue; I'm skinny enough as it is. I just want to build up some wind so I don't gasp for breath as much when I'm playing basketball with the guys, don't have to breathe so hard after so much as a briefly sustained brisk walk, sleep better, all those benefits of aerobic exercise.