Sport Starting football workouts... now what to eat?

Sport Fitness
Ok I'm a somewhat scrawny guy, just started 2nd year lifting for football, i skipped playing last year. Anywho, I need to gain some weight, I'm 5'10, 130 lbs (yep).

I need to get some bulk on so i can make bigger hits. I've been told to have protein shakes by my friends. What do you guys think?
protein shakes are good for getting more protein but cant beat solid food.

protein: chicken, red meat, turkey, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, milk

carbs: oats, brown rice, veggies, fruits, whole grain breads, cereals and pastas

fats: olive oil, flax oil, nuts, peanut or almond butter

try for 5-6 meals a day at the least. liquid calories can help big time. make your protein shakes with milk and add some olive or flax oil. peanut butter is like 200 calories for one serving which can be eaten in addition to meals. :)