Sport Starting Carb Cycling.....

Sport Fitness
Current weight is 127.
127x15= 1905 (maintenance)
127x12= 1524 (ideal caloric intake for medium days)
127x10= 1270 (ideal caloric intake for low days)

High days:

Protein intake:
127(bw)x1.25= 158.75
158.75x4= 635 calories from protein daily

Carb intake:
127(bw)x2= 254
254x4= 1016 calories from carbs on high days

Fat intake:
635+1016= 1651 calories from protein and carbs
Fat should be minimal. Shoot for 15g of fat.
15*9= 135 calories from fat

Total caloric intake: 1786 calories

Medium days:

Protein intake:
127(bw)x1.25= 158.75
158.75x4= 635 calories from protein daily

Carb intake:
127(bw)x1.0= 127
127x4= 508 calories from carbs on medium days

Fat intake:
635+508=1143 calories from protein and carbs
1524-1143= 381 calories from fat needed
381/9= 42.3 grams of fat

Total caloric intake: 1524 calories

Low days:

Protein intake:
127(bw)x1.25= 158.75
158.75x4= 635 calories from protein daily

Carb intake:
Minimal. Fibrous veggies only. Shoot for 20g carbs.
20*4=80 calories from carbs.

Fat intake:
1270-715= 555 calories from fat needed
555/9= 61.6 grams of fat

Total caloric intake: 1270 calories
So are you doing 2 high, 3 medium and 2 high per week? Have you ever done a plan like this before? When I do cycling plans like this for people personally I don't usually go up much in fat on lower carb days or as low in carbs on low days....however I don't know much about you or your reasoning so I can't really comment!
I'll be interested to see how you feel and what your results are.
