starting back

I am 53 year old male who was (up to 4years ago) an avid runner,about 60 miles a week and a marathoner. I also was a pretty good weight lifter with a bench press of 315. My problem is I have a reconstructed knee and a back that acts up. I do not have access to a pool. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to get back in the groove. Thanks in advance
It won't be easy, it never is. I would start with speaking to your doctor or physical therapist regarding your specific limitations. After that, I would get with a personal trainer if possible to construct a program that will be safe for you, and get you where you want to be.
1) Go to the Doctor or Physio and get yourself checked out. See what they say.
2) Take a look at your diet, and cut out all the junk.
3) Get a personal trainer or somebody who knows what they are doing. Start doing some push ups, sit ups, pull ups, basic body weight exercises for a couple of weeks with light jogs. See how your doing.
4) If you're ok after stage 3, get your personal trainer to draw up a small workout for you. I presume you want to run again, so do some out door jogs, short distances at first and build up. Hit medium level weights, nothing that will injure you. Build up.
5) If you are feeling no pain, consult your physio/doc, get him to look you over. If he says he thinks that you could do more training, then up the intensity of your workouts and runs. Keep building up.

Good luck.
Yup, what the other people said!
You've already taken step one, you WANT to get back into some sort of physical exercise. Now you just need the roadmap. See a doc, find a good gym, and get started! (slowly of course, you're REALLY gonna want to listen to what your body is telling you during and after workouts. pay close attention to what it tells you!)
How long ago did you have your knee reconstruction? any more details about your back?