Sport Starting a Nutrition Plan

Sport Fitness
Ok, here goes. I'm 15, I play 3 sports all year round. I workout around 3 times a day or so alternating around games. I usually spend about $3.30 during the course of a school day. I usually eat their breakfast, lunch and a BLT before practice or a game.

I'm 5'9"

Also, when I workout it is usually in the morning so I get up at 530 grab something to eat, toady it was an english muffin with peanutbutter. I can eat at 9AM during study hall and my lunch period is at 1030. I figured I should eat a small snack before lunch and a small lunch. Then I get done with school at 240 and thats when I eat another meal before my practice.

I think I need to get a good afterworkout meal, from what I've read a liquid shake is the best thing. In a 2:1 carb to protein ratio. I've heard that 1 serving of whey and 2 servings of gatorade is good. This is another thing I need to work out. I also don't want to spend any more than what I normally spend so $16.50 a week is what I normally spend. I would need to buy whey and whatever I need for school. I would like to stop buying from the school. So I need snacks for the day I assume and I will need some ideas of good ones. I will also need ideas for a lunch breakfast and a post workout diet.

These are my common 2 days.

Day 1
5:30-Wakeup and eat breakfast
6:15-7:00-Working out and thats when I will need my post workout drink
9:00-First study hall a possible time for a small meal or snack
10:30-My lunch period
2:40-School ends time for another meal before practice
5:15-Practice ends and I eat whatever my mom cooks for dinner


6:30- Wakeup and breakfast
9:00-First studyhall
2:40- School ends then I start afterschool workout
2:40- Baseball Game
Whenever I get home is dinner

Also take into account it is $16.50 for 5 days a week for my first 4/6 small meals. I eat dinner at home and a snack there.

I need some good on the go snacks and things i can eat in school. Tuna on whole wheat seems good for lunch. I could always use a mayo substitute.

Thanks for any help.
