Starting a new life

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New member
I'm an emotional eater. It doesn't matter what emotion comes up, I'll eat. And I'll eat until I feel better. Sometimes quite an amount of food passes until I feel better.

Today I'm starting a new life. I'm not going to "diet" I'm starting a better way of eating.

Last week I incorporated a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day while at work. This week I started eating about 6 meals/snacks a day. Also I incorporated a 10 minute walk during my morning break starting this week.

I am a member of 24 Hour Fitness and have a work out buddy. Today I walked 4mph at an incline for 35 minutes today and did 7 minutes on a cycle machine because I didn't have all my energy expended.

I have trouble with eating right when I get home and unwind. I have trouble eating when I don't plan to! I also have trouble not exercising when it's good for me.

I guess having a work out buddy is good for me.

I've rambled enough! I just wanted to introduce myself to the forum. :)
Welcome and good luck. It sounds like you have a very reasonable plan.
Hi, a plan is always the way to go.... It helps to write it down. If I think I am going to plan it in my head, it always comes out different when the time comes.
I used to Binge ALL THE TIME.... after sticking around here for a while, I have reasons not to binge. when I'm bored, I'll exercise or come on the forum, instead of eating...
it took me a hwile, and I still had some slip ups, but Im doing better.
You sound like you are starting off well, on the right foot....
Welcome to the forum!
Good for you. I'm glad to hear that you are making healthy lifestyle changes instead of just going on a diet. It's so much better for you, and will make a difference that will last a lifetime. Having a place like this to go really helps. You can put your emotions out through your fingers and find friends who will help you through it rather than the supposed friend in the fridge. My best friends used to live in the fridge. Lets see, there was Ben, Jerry, Mrs.Paul, Mr Gorton, Mrs Butterworth, Aunt Jemima, Sara Lee, and so on. Any way, welcome and hope you fulfill all your dreams

Yes, it is good to stick to a plan. I am modeling my eating habits after the 6 week body makeover. Originally I intended on sticking to it rigidly, but I find I "fall off the wagon," so to speak, and don't want to beat myself up over it.

At work I mark my daily intake of water. I was writing in a food journal but lost interest. I guess I should note it anyway.

My work out buddy and fellow 6 week body makeover follower helped me last night and said when I get to a point where I want to forget my plan totally, to call her. To talk to her and don't talk about food or whatever I'm obsessing about.

Yesterday I looked at my thighs for the first time in a long time. I was disgusted. Now I'm just going to look towards what I can do today about it. I can take a step forward or take a step backward. I can shove something in my mouth to feel better or do something good for myself to feel better in the LONG run. Ah, damn that instant gratification.
Glad to have you on board.....This place is great!!!....You need to start yourself a can be a food diary or anything you want are like me emotional it helps to write what you are feeling.....and feel free to look into ours......all of us have more in common than the desire to just lose weight!!!
I too have always been an emotional eater. and what a coincidence, texas, I had those very same friends!!!lol. I want to check out that diary on here how do i get to it?? :confused:
I finally discovered that they weren't really my friends. They were just lying backstabbing @*!^#& 's. Anyway, I found new friends to replace them. It's great that you have someone to call when your feeling down. I usually either come here or go out and visit the horses. You have to feel small when your standing in between 2 horses that each weigh 1800 pounds!!!!
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