Weight-Loss starch lover..HELP!



New member
hello everyone,
i need help, i am always tired, always wanting to sleep and i think it might be caused from my starch cravings. I love my starch, i can eat more starch then any guy i know. I love restuant food, and am addited, and my coke, god i love my coke. in Nov of this year i vowed to give up resturants, and my coke. I have not had much resturants since then which i think is the reason i have lost some weight but i need help, without starch i feel hungry, left out when my family eats pototoes, corn and all. i hate sweets, one chocolate bar lastes me a year, i eat one and then i dont want another for a year. is there anyone who can help me devolop more of an eating plan that wont crave my starch as much?
why do you think you need to stay away from starches?

the only eating plan that will work for you long term is the one that you design that includes what you like..

Start reading the stickied threads in the nutrition forum and ask specific questions on what you do not understand
i agree with the post before mine, you shouldn't really worry about your starch issues. you can cut down but i don't believe you need to worry that much.
Seriously what the hell

Starches AREN'T a junior sonuvabitch out to sabotage your diet. Everything in moderation (and I do mean everything, I had a greasy bacon sandwich today for breakfast [though admittedly it was on wheat bread, out of preference]).