stalling... can exercise help??


New member
Well i hit the dreaded stall plateau 20 pounds before my target weight. since I am only eating 1500-1800 calories a day, the likely culprit is my exercise routine, which I have to admit has increased in complexity only some.

Since most of you have stalled in some way or form on your own diets, what is the best way to tackle this? My routine as of now is 20 minutes 15 MPH cycling with 40 minutes treadmill mixed with brisk walking/jogging (around 5 MPH). I try and shoot for these work out sessions 5 times a week but because of work it ends up mostly being 4 sessions.

The problem I think is not enough resistance training..So I thought of mixing the days up like so ... Day's 1 and 3 and 5 will be weight lifting (60 min. total session), which consists of 7 types of weight lifting (3 sets each) that work the main muscles of the body, with each set being lower weight but high rep counts ( i heard that's the best way for weight loss via weights).. and days 2 and 4 will consists of the cardio mentioned in the previous paragraph..

So. this is where I NEED YOUR HELP. yes, YOU!. For those of you that encorporated similar amounts resistance training, was this approach successful for you? Any insights on my exercise routine? Should I restrict my caloric intake even more? All the above?

Thanks ALL!
My routine as of now is 20 minutes 15 MPH cycling with 40 minutes treadmill mixed with brisk walking/jogging (around 5 MPH).

The problem I think is not enough resistance training

Personally, I think the problem is that you're only going 15 mph for 20 minutes on the bike. Bump up the intensity and go for longer, at least 30 minutes, and you'll see results. You could probably bump up the intensity on the treadmill as well. Just don't go overboard and have a heart attack or something.
I don't think you'd benefit from all high-rep counts. If you're going to have 3 days of lifting, alter your rep ranges and put in some lower rep ranges to work on strength.

Also, you might google HIIT and use it in lieu of a couple of your low-intensity-steady-state cardio days.
Good o'fashion exercises is what you need. Push ups! Sit-Ups! Cross Crunches! etc.. you get the idea. To increase intensity in these workouts just grab a weight of about 3-5lbs. That will do the trick. Good Luck! :)