Sshould i train at this age? pro advice needed.

I am 15 years old, 6 foot, 65 kilos, can bench 50, i can run at roughly 12-13 km/h (3 and a half meters per second) continuously for 6k's (that's 6k's in 30 mins), been training for 2 months, beep test 12.8 when i last tried (more now probably).

My parents are doctors and tell me not to stress too much at this age, atleast not until i reach my peak at 21. But i wanna participate in a marathon by then.

I would really appreciate anyone's help or experience.

The question is, should i run at this age or not?

I don't wanna do damage to my still developing joints and ligaments, so will this effort really be effective if i continue regularly at this level (with progressive overload as i get better)?
Strangely, I have found that most doctors know nothing about fitness.

Don't train until you're 21? That's ridiculous. I guess that means they are against high school and collegiate athletics.

I began lifting at 12 and heard the same nonsense from my overweight doctor.

You are at a great age to start
At 15 if you are still growing, it is slightly possible that marathon distance running can damage your growth plates. Most experts recommend waiting till you are no longer a teenager before you run marathon distances. These are experts in the field, not just overweight general practitioners.
Half marathon or shorter should be no problem. And yes am sure you find lots of examples of people younger than you that ran marathons with no problems. Not everyone who smokes gets cancer. Not every teenager who runs a marathon stunts his growth. Its just a small possible risk.
Another recommendation is that you've been running a full year before you start seriously training for something like that.
Could be true, but if he is still growing at all, or his growth plates haven't already closed they will be vulnerable and prone to injury.
I understand where you're parents are coming from they are probably worried about you, thats what parents do. Too much knowledge sometimes can be a dangerous thing
Don't know which part of the world you come from, but here in the (UK like many places) you can't run a marathon till you are 18 this is for safety and most likely for insurance purposes. But saying all that you can run up to the 10km distance i believe save the marathons and the like till your older.
Yes continue running at your age but don't get super serious about it enjoy it
If you can take part in short distance races is there a club you can join. Thats how a lot of the top runners started and then move up through the distances
I can't really comment much on the weight training side, not qualified in that department. But do keep fit its good to see someone your age keeping fit. Keep at it.
Hi nice beep test result. I'm also in highschool(16 years old) there is very few people in my school that can get past 11. Good job on that
hell yeah you should start running. i've been runnin since 5th grade and i'm 6'1". either i got really lucky with my height OR your parents are scared that if you exercise the girls will be all over you :rolleyes: