

New member
I know that soda is a big no-no when dieting, and I know that tea and such isn't great Idea in large quantities. I'm trying to get my eight glasses of water a day, and wondered is Squash o.k to drink? I think its about 12 calories a glass? but what about the sugars and such? I just really do love squash.
Any ideas?
YOu have to read the ingredients list and make the decision for yourself as to what you want to do with your calories and your sugar intake.

Also I'm not sure why you say you shouldn't drink tea .. there's no reason you should avoid tea as long as you don't put sugar in it.
there are loads of teas that are really really good for that you might want to try, green tea, peppermint, redbush, black tea made black, camomile, dr stuarts detox teas - there are loads, browse around a big supermarket or health food shop sometime and give some a try!