I bought a new pair of Nikes at Sports Authority today and got this extended coverage plan along with them. The price of the plan is $5 for shoes up to $50, $10 up to $100, and I forget where it goes from there. The ones I got were $70 so I figure with how I am with shoes, it's worth the cost. There things it doesn't cover like any buttons of the shoes, staining, etc. But it covers rips/tears from normal use, fading/discoloration, etc. I can be brutal on my shoes and have a problem with them splitting on the balls of my feet after 3-4+ months, so I thought why not get it? S.A itself has a 30 day when you buy the shoes, and the 1 year kicks in after those 30 days so you basically get 13 months coverage. If the shoe is messed up and you bring it in to them and it's covered, they send you a check for the full purchase price + tax.
Anyone bought this plan before and had to use it?
Anyone bought this plan before and had to use it?