Sport Splenda

Sport Fitness
Almost every morning i have porrage with cinnamon and splenda. Is it ok adding cinnamon and splenda to my porrage or would it be better to stay clear of splenda. Also got any ideas to make porrage taste better but still be healthy.
I mix a scoop of vanilla whey protein powder into my porridge and it tastes fantastic :)
You couldn't pay me to eat any artificial sweetener.

Add a chopped apple to your oatmeal, or some ripe berries. If you must use a little raw honey but please don't use that artificial crap.
I see no problem with using a few packets of splenda per day. (despite the scare tactics that couple of organizations have published)
I eat splenda every now and then with no problems. Next their going to say water is bad for you.
Your body is designed to process water, the only thing you have to worry about is man made contamination.

You body is designed to process, fruits, vegetable matter and animal protein.

Your body is not designed to process chlorinated sucrose.

Why put stuff in your body that your body is not designed to process. You wouldn't do that to your car would you?
and the FDA says we only need something like 50g of protein a day.
some say our bodies aren't meant to process meats, or cooked meats, or any processed foods.

just because the body cannot break down the chlorine modified sugar molecule, doesn't instantly make it BAD for the body.
Hell half the time when I eat corn on the cob, my body doesn't "process" half of it either. Same goes for peanuts. Doies that mean corn and peanuts are deadly?

Until research proves Splenda is harmful, I just won't buy into it. We KNOW sacchrine in massive doses can increase your cancer risk. We KNOW people can be allergic to nutra sweet. Just because a handful of hypochondriacs say splenda caused some disease doesn't mean its true ot that its harmful enough to be avoided. more people diabetics die from sugar and carbs and alcohol use than splenda.

nuff said.
When you eat corn and nuts, you probably aren't chewing them thoroughly so they pass through your digestive system whole. But even then, they provide roughage and still serve a purpose in your digestive health.

Chlorine (a piosonous substance by the way) treated sucrose serves no purpose. You'd be better off using raw honey or raw sugar cane if you have to have your food sweetened. At least your body can process it naturally and your liver and kidneys won't treat them like a toxin.

It's pretty simple to figure out what our bodies need naturally. We are primates and share over 98% of our DNA with chimpanzees. Chimps eat plants fruits, nuts and animal protein (yes in smaller amounts than we do) and the average chimp is 3 times stronger than the average male.

The biggest problem is that people are addicted to sweet tasting food. The food industry knows this which is why sugar is in almost everything and also why new "harmless" chemical concoctions that are 3, 4, 5, 6, times sweeter than sugar are being pushed at us.

And the FDA is a bureaucracy like any other so its primary function is to preserve its own existence. The food industry does not have your best interests at heart. They want you to buy as much as possible and they want to make sure their products last longer on the shelves so they put all kinds of crap in them so they make more money.

The FDA loves this because it gives them a reason to exist so additives will always be allowed and encouraged. If only foods in their natural state were sold and eaten, not only would people be healthier but the FDA would have no reason to exist and all those bureaucrats would have to find a real job.

I'd rather not put my health and well being into the hands of the food industry or the FDA, but if you want to , feel free.
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Chlorine and Sodium in their pure forms are both poisonous. But they come together and form common table salt.

I have much respct for you Skull Pilot for having the will to maintain your standards. But for some people its just easier and cheaper to take a few shortcuts. Will a few packets of splenda a day lead to long term health concerns? I seriously doubt it. But as a general note, natural is always better.
I would bet walking once down 'main' street during rush hour is worse on your health then 3 months of casual splenda satisfaction. But, who am I. :cool:
So by your reckoning, the chlorinated tap water I drink all day long is as lethal as splenda.

sorry, I still don't buy into 'splenda is poison'.
I wouldn't drink chlorinated water unless I was literally dying of thirst. I either drink distilled or filtered water.

Your body is only as good as what you put into it. So why is it extreme to only put natural substances in it?

And I don't remember saying splenda was poison. I said it was crap, not poison.

And jungleb if anyone is dumb enough to walk in rush hour traffic they deserve to be road kill
Umm...*hides*...i think there are some pretty good points on both sides of this argument, but just incase someone is reading it and gets the wrong idea...

Do NOT drink distilled water. Ever. Not real distilled water. Some products nowadays might call it distilled water...but if its purification, its not. Don't go out and buy a homeade chemistry distiller. It'll hurt ya and kill you. Water has plenty of other stuff in it, even bottled and etc varieties, it has to for us to process it at all. Lack of materials inside the distilled water will cause your cells to take it in indiscriminately and ... bad. Very bad.

Anyway, have fun lol.
junkfoodbad said:
I have some bad news for you, filtered water is still chlorinated

If you're drinking tap water yes, but a reverse osmosis filter with carbon will remove almost all chlorine as well as other contaminants like lead and pesticides. Not a problem for me because I never drink tap water.

And fluoridation is just another result of sugar addiction in this country. if our kid weren't eating all the processed crap then their teeth wouldn't be rotting out of their heads and the powers that be wouldn't have had to push for fluoridation.

I'll have to check on the statement that distilled water is bad for you. Yes water has trace amounts of minerals but I've never come across any material that these trace elements are essential for proper absorption and water balance.
Tenken said:
Umm...*hides*...i think there are some pretty good points on both sides of this argument, but just incase someone is reading it and gets the wrong idea...

Do NOT drink distilled water. Ever. Not real distilled water. Some products nowadays might call it distilled water...but if its purification, its not. Don't go out and buy a homeade chemistry distiller. It'll hurt ya and kill you. Water has plenty of other stuff in it, even bottled and etc varieties, it has to for us to process it at all. Lack of materials inside the distilled water will cause your cells to take it in indiscriminately and ... bad. Very bad.

Anyway, have fun lol.

That's a myth. Distilled water is just pure water. That fallacy stemmed from some bogus web site I'm sure.

Chlorine isn't harmful when in a compound, only in it's elemental state. Once again, some woman who has no idea what she's talking about is starting rumors on the internet again. Whether or not Splenda in itself is somewhat detrimental in the long run is something I'm not completely sure of. With that being said, I think it would smart to avoid eating Splenda like fat kids eat pixie sticks.
pure sodium is deadly too, just like chlorine.

but when you have sodium chloride...its fairly safe as long as you don't take too much.

there's a lot of pollutants in the air...but you still breathe that don't you? or do you run around in an oxygen mask?

The links you posted in your defense that splenda is crap are what say its poison.

I will agree though, that a little sugar in your morning coffee isn't gonna make or break your diet or health. In fact simple carbs are best enjoyed in the am when the body needs to regulate blood sugar after fasting during sleep hours.

Splenda, nutrasweet, sweet n sugar....all are fine IN MODERATION.