Sport Splenda Sweetened Drinks

Sport Fitness
hey guys,
here i am starting another discussion LOL. I saw this drink in the grocery store namely called as sugar free, cal free drink. It comes in carious flavours like cranbery etc. On it its written that sweetened with splenda. I was wandering if it is OK to drink it?? Thanks guys :)
I personally don't trust it because people didn't have to be around that long to remember Nutrasweet and Sacharin. Since the dawn of sugar substitutes (sugarfree) each product has only lasted so long before its banned.

However... as far as anyone knows its ok as of now. Its really chlorine but the small amount hasn't shown to be harmful to animals.

Other than that those drinks made from it are pretty much empty calories- so great if you need to watch calorie intake. I tried some brand of lemonade with stuff and I couldn't stomach it. Junk is sweeter than nutra-sweet.
Spelda has earned a great rep for being a safe sugar substitute that is nothing like sacchrin. That other fake sugar tastes so nasty that I can't figure out how anyone ever got into it.

I use splenda all the time and it does not effect my stomache like sugar does. I honestly think that it is the greatest scientiffic breakthrough since the internet.
You can drink them in moderation. Since Splenda is too new to know the long term side effects of large ingestion of it, I think moderation is in order.

plus, the more 'fake' sweets you consume the more likely you'll cheat and start in on refined sugar sweets. treat the splenda juice as a reward, not a staple.

Water is always best.
I used to use splenda til i started getting horrible stomach cramps. It took me a couple weeks to figure out what was causing it. It was just too much, I was putting it in my coffee, oatmeal, and drinking 3-4 cans of pepsi one a day. In moderation you should be fine though. I can't have it at all anymore which sucks for my oatmeal.
oh really is that why u get stomach cramps hmmm... i do also get like rumbling sounds in my stomach nowdays and its been like days and days so i m guessing maybe its the splenda ahhhhh it sucks to stop splenda :)
Not me. I use it plenty and my stomache never gives me problems. I do not have a complaint in the world about splenda other than that it is a little more expensive than I would like but supposedly that will get better in the near future as it catches on more and more.
Just a point to correct from an above post, I have a Diet Pepsi in my hand now and it is Acesulfame Potassium and Aspartame as the sweeteners, not Splenda which is Sucralose. Not sure if the formula in USA is different, the only Sodas I have seen in Canada with Splenda (sucralose) as a sweetener are the Diet Crush line.

I have never had a problem with Sucralose causing pains or anything, I limit Acesulfame Potassium though since the science on the stuff seems more shaky to me than Sucralose.
blackedout said:
Just a point to correct from an above post, I have a Diet Pepsi in my hand now and it is Acesulfame Potassium and Aspartame as the sweeteners, not Splenda which is Sucralose..
I believe your refering to my post, I didn't say Diet's called 'Pepsi One'. It comes in a black can and is sweetened w/ splenda. You may not have it in Canada.
OK, Pepsi One. Canada has not gotten the new formula yet, Pepsi One switched in the spring apparently to Sucralose in the US but we probably got shipped all the leftovers.
Be carefull with how much splenda/sweet and lo/nutra sweet you take in. It fools your body into thinking "sweet=sugar" and some people release waaaaaaaay too much insulin and once the insulen is in your blood stream your blood sugar goes way down causing you to be extremely hungry. The best thing is to avoid all added sugars. I found that when I drank coffee with sugar in it, i would have a good coffee maybe twice a week, now with no sugar, I have a BAD coffee maybe once a month.
I am new here but would like to jump in if that is ok? I don't drink Splenda too risky of what is going to come out about it down the road.

Diet colas and other diet foods that have Nutra Sweet also have "Phenylalamine" in it. Take a look at the ingrediants of diet foods and see if it is not infact printed in BOLD, and then ask yourself why? Because it is a KNOWN TOXIN. Please take the time to research this online and decide what you think for yourself. The gov requires that this ingrediant be printed in bold because it is a known toxin, the side effects are unreal.

Just wanted to give you guys a heads up.

Taylor H.