
Just wondering if anyone has ever taken Spirulina and if so, did you notice any decent outcomes? I've been doing some reading (What little I can find on it pertaining to actually supplementing green leaf vegetables) and it looks like something I'd like to try.
For what purpose? Healthy bacteria or for its alleged healing effects?
I'm not concerned with supposed "healing effects", I'm more concerned with and interested in the green veggies supplement value I've been reading a lot about. I've read a lot that it is a very good source of the vitamins and nutrients gotten from the green veggies, more so than a regular multi-vitamin would give you.
I would be sceptical of any claims for a pill to contain "more nutrients than a regular multi-vitamin" particularly if those claims are from the sellers of the pill and not independent research. Per chance do you have an independent site which makes those claims so that I can look into them?