Spinning Songs

Hi everyone after as much info as you can give me.

I'm lookling at creating a 50min cd to teach a spinning class.

I'm after as many good recent songs ideal for spinning. I will also be creating other cd's so please post classic spinning songs if you know them also.

If you really want to be fancy you could help me further and say what part in the class the song would be ideal for. e.g. warm up, cool down or climb etc.

Its been a while since i did the qualification so any info you might have on taking a class will also help!!!!!

Have you looked on the spinning site? They had a section where people posted the songs for their rides - some of them are great. I agree, it would be nice if they posted what the actual ride was as well, but I am sure if you listen to the songs, you can figure it out.

Good luck.

Have a look a this site:

It's the home site, I think, of the creator of RPM (a trademarked version of spinning - are you familiar with it?) and gives listings of all previous and current tracks used and also details of what part of the class they are used for. Correct posture on the bike is also explained. I think it might be a good starting point for you - good luck!
Marker cheers that is exactly what i was looking for. Much appreciated.

Basket lady cheers but what website. Will you give me the link!!!!!!!
Music makes a HUGE difference!!!!!!

One of my favorite instructors isn't very technical, but he can put together a music routine that just rocks; his classes are sell-outs with no bike empty and woman visciously jockey'ing for seats!

His classes aren't spin-classes, they're spin-concerts! It's an experience. One thing I notice is that he always starts-out with a nice slow song and keeps the lights completely off (some light comes in from outside, so it's just dark but not pitch-black). The second song is where he'll bring-up the lights and move to something more upbeat.

The tendency is to alternate between something fast to something slower, then back to fast...in the saddle, out of the saddle. Most instructors will also segment portions of songs with being in & out of the saddle as well. The instructor I referenced above, he tends to work the lights on & off between songs and he changes the color of the lights as well (between blue & red or a combo).

Having good music can make or break a class/instructor. One instructor I like tends to keep playing old music and she sings along a bit....her classes attendence suffers greatly, but she's too proud & stubborn to do anything about it. I brought her music and people responded, but she still reverted back to her old crap. Her supportive husband tells her that her "in your face" attitude and "hardcore intensity" scare people off.....uh, no. Her music blows; end of story!!

Fact: listening to stimulating & invigorating music during exercise has been clinically shown/proved to reduce perceived intensity by as much as 30%

I've got a nice CD of music I put together, drop me a pm if you'd like me to hook you up....no cost, my treat.
Blue Man Group.....not all their songs, but several of them are just pure adrenaline energy! Especially the tune they do with Venus Hum, "I feel Love".....OMG, that song rocks! :D
I'm pretty sure if I put a movie on in my spin class -- I would lose my class. Unless you could find me one that was less than an hour with extreme action and great continuous music ;)

Put the Little 500 racing scene from Breaking Away on and your students will be jazzed - guaranteed!
Hi BikeSwimLaugh i tried to PM you but it said......

Sorry, minimum 5 message and minimum 5 days membership is required to use PM.

Can you PM me that CD.

Thanks for help, good feedback that you's have given me!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the tip about Blue Man Group. I too believe that music makes or breaks a class. I'm a Group Fitness Instructor who newly picked up some spin classes and have tried to vary the class every single day and it's difficult to keep things fresh!

Anything by UGMI. this guy is a electro wizard.

Hi everyone after as much info as you can give me.

I'm lookling at creating a 50min cd to teach a spinning class.

I'm after as many good recent songs ideal for spinning. I will also be creating other cd's so please post classic spinning songs if you know them also.

If you really want to be fancy you could help me further and say what part in the class the song would be ideal for. e.g. warm up, cool down or climb etc.

Its been a while since i did the qualification so any info you might have on taking a class will also help!!!!!


You can search spinning music even by pace to help you on warm up,cool down, and climb witch I hate. I think Jeremiah was a bullfrog,would be great for your fast ride.I love when it comes on on my long runs,just what I need to get my goin after bout ten miles.
Have fun........