Speical Forces - Passing Fitness Test?

I want the join the 4-RAR (Special Forces Regiment) ADFA.

But one of its fitness requirments is a:
- 2.4 km run with &kg (webbing + Rifle) in under 11 minutes

I'm 70Kg standing 175cm

Just recently I've been running laps on a football field 3-4 times a week. At my peak i did 2km in 11 minutes, other times i'm exhausted at 1.5km.

How do i reach my goal within several months?
Without become a skinny marathon runner.- 2.4 km run with &kg (webbing + Rifle) in under 11 minutes
2.4 km run with 7kg (webbing + Rifle) in under 11 minutes
If you have several monthes you are in great condition not good but great.
Read my post on running from 0- 5k in 9 weeks:
o-5k in 9 weeks

Do ALL THE WORKOUTS THERE FROM WEEK 1 TO WEEK 9 WITHOUT SHORTCUTS, if you do it you will be fine and you will be able to run 2.5k without a load in 8.5 minuts.
the key ro run good 2.4k is to run more then that and then run this distance, you will notice a hugh improvment.

one more thing, this unit looks very very good and i am sure that its one of the best.
there demands are similar to those of the israeli army elite forces like Sayeret Mat"kal, which is one of the best in the world.
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I have done alot of research on Australian special forces, I want to be in the SASR, and from what i have learnt your not up to scratch. the minimum is not what you should be aiming for here. When you were at your peak and ran 2ks in 11 mins, was it with your webbing? I would run 5 days a week at least. starting at 30 mins and adding 10 mins a week, when you get to 1 hour a day bring it back to 30 mins and run at a faster pace increasing it by 10 mins a week. once you reach 1 hour a day strip it back down to 30 mins with your webbing. And increase speed each week. It may sound tough, but really, in the occupation you want to be in and what u want to be its required, its all about hard work and pushing yourself. Also are you having problems with your chinups and pushups? As for not losing weight Its obvious you are a slender person or a "hard-gainer". If you incorporate simple weight training 3 times a week: bench, military press, squats and dealifts, you should lose minimal muscle. I'm sure you have access to a weight room at ADFA and proper nutrition is accessable. After your runs if your really worried about losing weight I would have a protein shake or something like that.
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simon said:

Without become a skinny marathon runner.

Why would you fear that?

I would have thought that for special forces, the best body composition would be somthing like a triathlete. i.e a little more fat than a marathoner. You dont want to carry around large amounts of muscle that you dont use.
I have read the occasional book on special forces units, and one thing I remember is how most of the guys that make up Delta are average height with slim/lean builds.

11mins for 2km is about 11km/hour. I dont know about you, but this is my jogging pace. If I were you, I would want to be running about 10kms a day.

Simon: are you already in the ADF?

Chances are that your PT in the bootcamp will include plenty of running so training your lower extremes is crucial.

Actually if you train yourself to do 2.4 km run with 7kg in under 11 minutes only, you will be in for a big surprise, since these figures indicate the time limit above which they don't let you go on with the test. To be competetitive you need to do the 2.4 ks in well under 9 mins I guess.

To achieve that you need to work your way up to running 30 miles(1 ml=1.6 ks) a week and one mile in under 8 minutes (for 6 miles). To get there you need at least 15 weeks preparation from now. If you are interested I can find a day to day PT plan for you and can post it here.

You needn't worry about getting skinny since professional marathon runners look like that because of their special diet and they run like 30 miles a day.

Actually I am quite surprised that as a civilian you want to join a SF unit because SF units in the US always suggest that you have prior military training. I guess that way would be easier for you, I don't know about Oz military but here e.g. marines can enroll for trainig camps before applying for SF units. I mean it is worth giving them a call before you go to all that trouble.
Laz: I am not sure if Simon is in the ADF. But there is a new formation that takes civilians and trains them in counter terrorism operations, without having to go through several years in the army. I think it has somthing to do with getting people who wont follow the ADF structure, and think a little more "independantly".
That's cool. In the US you need to be in the Army or in the Navy for years then you need to write letters, applications, etc for some more years before you can join any SF unit.
Why people love joining those freakish units is a mystery to me however. Money ain't that better. After training you won't look like Arnold in his 20's. And however it is worth being very fit, PT is really not why people drop out. I heard a lot of horror stories how people are treated there, it's not like in the films.
What's ADF by the way?