Speed + Muscle Fitness Contest?

I'm wondering if there are any contests in the United States, particularly around Chicago, that would be something like the following:

- Each round or whatever of the contest wouldn't be very long - probably 5 minutes or less
- It would involve using practically every major muscle group (legs, arms - both biceps and triceps, etc.), but all combined into one event
- Maybe it would be set up like this: 50 yard sprint up to a rock climbing wall, then participants would climb the wall as fast as possible, then they would have to cross monkey bars using only their hands, then maybe travel through parallel bars using only arms (well, monkey bars and this may not be such a good idea because of height differences in people, you probably get the idea....something to work the different arm muscles), and then finishing off with another 50 yard sprint
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In ancient China, if a man had the sex with the wife of another man, then all the two men must running the course of obstacle whom you described. The loser will be eaten by boars. The wife will be eaten by boars, doesn't matter what.

My great grandparents was eatens by the boars while my grandmother only had 8 years.

Have you had the sex with the other man's wife?