Speed and Endurance?

Im 17, 6 ft. and about 180 pounds. Id say im in decent shape, im not overweight and i have a good deal of muscle but i dont have a 6 pack(though there is some definition and im pretty close). I play alot of sports and i really want to be able to not only increase my endurance but also work on my speed. Right now, ive been bulking up and gaining muscle but I was planning to get started on a plan after winter break when the rainy season kinda dies down and i can consistently run outside.

ive done some research but im still really new to this subject. If anyone has any workout/excersize plans that would help greatly.

so far i was thinking some wind sprints(2x weekly?) and then on other days id run for 30+ min. I also heard hill sprints were helpful so i thought id give that a try and some suicides to work on sprinting, stopping, cutting etc.

thx in advance.
Are you looking for speed and endurance in any particular sport?
HIIT is the best for improving speed: after warming up, running at your fastest speed possible for a minute and then jog or walk to recover before doing it again. Repeat those for about 15-20 min. 30 min at a time is a tempo run, which is also good but try and challenge yourself in those runs. Run at a pace that is pushing it but won't put you over the edge for 30 min (threshold). Running at a pace that is just "comfortable" really doesn't do anything fitness-wise than burn calories. As you get more efficient in these two types of runs try and extend the minutes on HIIT (like 2 min sprint, 2-3 min recovery) and try for a slightly longer tempo run, or increase your speed on the tempo run trying to beat your previous mileage for the 30 min run.
There are a lot of great resources out on the web that are easy to find. Just find something that works for you and do be careful not to increase speed or length too quickly without adequate recovery less you get a nasty injury.
thx for the advice. i play soccer and hockey and while i get lots of running excercise during practice, we dont really work on speed directly. more like just running alot during drills and i wanted to give myself a little boost this season.

ill try the HIIT method and ill try to push myself harder on the long runs. previously before it got rainy i had been running like 3 miles in about 25 or so min and i wasnt tired or out of breath so ill challenge myself.