Specific/personalized weight loss program: please advice


New member
It's been a while since I visited this forum, which regrettably also means I've been less active on the weight-losing front. :banghead:

However, the good news is that despite this, I've hardly gained serious weight (no more than a fluctuation really) and I feel I'm just in time to put myself into a regime again to ensure further success.

I was hoping you guys could assist me with this. I hope I can use some of your time and experience...

Here's what I'm thinking specifically:

Over the years, I've been losing a good amount of weight, but my body shape more or less stayed the same.

The fat is stored mostly in the abdomen, bottom and upper-thigh areas. I suppose this is pretty normal, but I mean that up from my upper abs to my shoulders and down from halfway my thighs, I'm not overly storing fat (of course, I'm not super slim there either).

I'd like to work on these 'problem areas' more specifically. I'm wondering if there are specific exercises that would support losing weight especially in these areas? What are good exercises for this? And what would be the most efficient way to conduct them, for instance in amount of reps or sets?

In terms of cardio: I just need to get going again. But I need to be more time efficient if I want the regime to last longer than the summer break, so I figured interval training would be useful. Can you guys advice me a bit on what's the best way to do intervals? Or is endurance just as (or more) important for weight loss? What would be a good time to spend on each, or either, a week or daily?

This is it for now, though some other questions may pop to mind later.

Thanks in advance for your attention, hope you can help me out.
do spend some time with the stickied threads...

One of the things you will read.. is that spot reducing isn't possible -fat is going to come off where it comes off....

However, the exercise stickies will give you some ideas on how to devise a better workout for yourself...
Ok thanks, I'll snoop around some more.

Spot reducing may not be possible, but doesn't the shape of the muscles tone the body differently? Or will they just add inches to those areas, and won't do any shaping until a lot of weight is lost?

Are there any known 'models' for where the fat comes off first in different circumstances?

Any other help is appreciated.
Muscles grow or the don't.

I'm not sure what you mean by shaping, but apply the above fact to what you're trying to understand.