Speaking of kids and television...


New member
I have to write an essay on the effects of kids watching too much tv, weight-wise...touching on obesity in children, and how to get them more active. I need 2 resources (at least). Any suggestions to a site? Or a book title I can request at the library? They don't have much there, so I'd have to get them to try and order something in, or else I'm stuck citing the internet. LOL!
These came up on the first google of children television and obesity

and all could be valid sources - you don't have to quote " the internet" you can quote the actual source - and most of them reference medical publications... which are all found online...
These came up on the first google of children television and obesity

and all could be valid sources - you don't have to quote " the internet" you can quote the actual source - and most of them reference medical publications... which are all found online...

Thanks Maleficent, I find them useful for me to write a new post for my small blog!