so it doesn't contain sodium?
no, its not bad really, as long as you're not ONLY consuming carbonated water.
I've stopped with carbonated drinks now just because it tends to give me gas problems and occasionally bowel trouble.
o.0 Carbonated water can cause osteoporosis (bone-weakining due to calcium-defecit.) I didn't know that. Just looked it up and apparantly too much carbon dioxide can cause osteoporosis. Which doesn't make sense to me since bones are composed of calcium, carbon, oxygen and other things.My dad has just been diagnoses with early stages of osteoperosis (spelling?)
The doctor told him that it is due to all the carbonated water he drinks. I was always under the impression that the bad things in sodas were high fructose corn syrup, caffien, and high sugar content in general. Turns out even just plain ccarbonated water is not good for ya. He has quit drinking sodas long ago too. The doctor specificaly said carbonated water is a no no.
Just some info for ya.