Spamming cardio to lose weight?

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Recently my friend asked me that she wants to spam cardio exercise, consecutively running 6 times a week to lose weight. She does not want to prepare a special diet, just these trainings. You know, she want to doesnt care about weight loss, just lose some pounds on the occasion with this training., Although weight loss knowlege is what I do professionally, I could not answer it.
What do you think?
As a professional you should know this.

Exercise alone cannot compensate for a poor diet, If her diet is close to maintenance then yes some weight will be lost, with a % of it being muscle due to the cardio only routine if her diet is moderately to substantially more than maintenance then she will continue to gain weight at a slightly slower rate.
okay, I got interested in the topic and read about it, and now I agree with what you wrote. So I also answered my friend.
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