Spammers- #@&*!!!!

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Long term member
Just go away!
If you put a link to shrinking a person, you will be banned.
I have better things to do with my time, like support people who are genuine.
Newbies- Please don't click on any links other than from senior members. Spam usually gets "quarantined" & is not visible to members, other than mods, but some get through but gets deleted reasonably quickly. Please report it.
If anyone gets a private message from a spammer, please report that too.
We do not tolerate spammers.
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:rotflmao: I second that, including the grawlix.
There is certainly an onslaught of them at the moment, including on this thread.

the shrink spam looks like bots (many of them share the same IP address or block of IPs), real people that spam usually make some kind of effort to make their posts look somewhat legitimate.

If the first post by a member contains a link or a video, 99% of the time they are spammers, either selling products directly or trying to build link popularity to their blog or YouTube channel with no real interest in becoming part of the community.

The other class of spammers is the "fitness or diet" expert here to troll for new clients without adding to the forum for the general benefit of others, many of these will include a line in there posts like "contact me for information" or "send me a message to learn more"
I have started checking out the IP addresses, but they come from all over the world. I feel like editing the link out occasionally & leaving the rest of their "posts", as they are ludicrous, but if I could send a lightning bolt through my computer that would give them a serious jolt, I would. Nothing makes me swear as much as a s@*^#k me pretend "helpful" post. They almost make me :puke:
I do wonder if someone actually makes money off it all or if it´s just someone eternally looking for the "angle" they´re sure exists that´ll make them rich (without having the contacts and starting capital most actual rich people start out with).
I have started checking out the IP addresses, but they come from all over the world. I feel like editing the link out occasionally & leaving the rest of their "posts", as they are ludicrous, but if I could send a lightning bolt through my computer that would give them a serious jolt, I would. Nothing makes me swear as much as a s@*^#k me pretend "helpful" post. They almost make me :puke:

I check IPs and look to see if that IP is linked to spam so they can be dealt with quickly
The most spamming thread after viagra is weight loss pills:p

Diet and exercise plans are big on the list here, also seen is trainers and "diet specialist" marketing for new clients along with adverts for weight loss surgery.

The trainers usually start ok with an intro, but soon swap to asking for members to email, message or visit their web sites.

As a reminder to members, please report anybody selling their services in unsolicited private messages, to prevent them from targeting vulnerable members.
Fortunately there are eagle eyed moderators here who tend to spot spam very quickly and get rid of it... Eventually spammers will realise that they are simply wasting their time coming here. We basically have a zero tolerance policy.
Most are bots I think. No use trying to get through to those...
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