Sport Space between meals

Sport Fitness
What if you have no control in the time period that you're allowed to eat?
I have a huge 7 hour gap from my 1st to 2nd meal. Should I still try to eat as many small meals as possible?
i use to be in that situation, i had to sneak food in. :(

have something at the 1st meal that will sustain you over a peroid of time, kinda like prebed nutrition. casein protein (cottage cheese, milk) and good fats (nuts, natural butters, olive oil, etc)
Yea it sucks, I'm found these 20g protein bars I might be able to sneak in.
But if I can't.. goods fat huh? Hmm, should I move up my good fat intake to the 1st meal than? Right now I'm having oat meal + whey protein shake (Fat free milk) + an apple for 1st meal at 7:00. I get real sleepy come 12:00. Should I change that to peanut butter sandwhich + whey PS + oatmeal?
All in all that would be 710 calories.
20 g fat
60 g carbs
40 g protein
Leaving 15 g fat, 65 g carbs, and 110g protein in 800 calories left for the hours of 2:00 pm - 7:30 pm.
Which I very well could pull of considering that all I would eat durring that time is turkey and other meat or fish which has almost no fat in low fat pitas. Protein shake with low fat and carb, and then some fruit and veg.

I'd still be eating 4 meals a day on the days I can't sneak in a protein bar which isn't to bad, and then 5 on the days that I do. On the days that I can manage a protein bar in my day I'll just modify the breakfast situation.

Sound ok?
try and see with adding some fats to your first meal. i use to make some protein bars and sneak bites in or do some shakes in a solid container and tell ppl it was water. :D