I would print these out and non-chalantly leave them laying around.
I was only kidding but not really about the previous comment or meet with the director of the fitness center and show these to him or her and ask why they are misleading the customers by only espousing the virtues of soy and not the other side. If nothing else, the customer should at least have knowledge and a choice. And yes, you can bring this up since you are a paying member.
And just for kicks, I went to (I actually do that quite a bit anyway) and put in 'search for' the words "soy" and "testosterone" and got quite a bit of stuff. Anyway, here's just one article from there. is by far one of the most reputable, progessive, and peer reviewed health sites. This article basically shows that men were given milk protein, low levels of soy protein, and high levels of soy protein and the end result even after 24 hours was that the men who consumed the soy protein had decreased testosterone. Or as they put it " In conclusion, soy protein, regardless of isoflavone content, decreased DHT and DHT/testosterone with minor effects on other hormones, providing evidence for some effects of soy protein on hormones. The relevance of the magnitude of these effects to future prostate cancer risk requires further investigation."
Seriously, you should bring this to the attention of the director. The mere fact that soy has been linked to increasing the chances for men to get prostate cancer or those that have it to aggrivate the condition is pretty reckless on the part of your gym. Anyway, the info is yours to do with it as you will. Or hey...gimme their number and I'll call them.
Remember, there's always a flip side to everything.