
whats going on

im new... im not really that into working out but im in good shape im athletic and if i work out i do what i have to do... i feel like my body is good but i just want to gain a little more weight im 5'6 150 i want my arms to get a little bit bigger n my chest and also for me not to look skinny...thats my goal

now i dont take anything but once im done working out i am extremely sore where it knocks off my motivation to work out the next day my arms feel too heavy 2 lift or bend is there anything that i can take where i dont feel like that the next day after a work out.. thnk in advance
Its best to give each muscle group a break of 48hours before working that certain muscle again matey :drooling1:
yeh i know i wouldnt work tha same group of muscles the next day... ill just be too sore to even do any work out period because of soreness i just thought there was somethings that people take to be able to recover from those tore muscles and not feel as sore
If you are that sore, you're probably doing WAY TOO MUCH.

Totally new trainees can easily get severe DOMS...but after a couple of weeks it should subside to just a mild soreness or really a stiffness/tightness that goes away after another day or so.

Painful soreness means you damaged the muscles too much. And doing that is going to hinder your progress.

I'd tone it down a little. Try sticking to heavy chest and back work with NO direct arm isolation for a couple of weeks. Biceps and triceps are small muscles compared to pecs and the upper back muscles. You don't have to do nearly the same volume of work to sufficiently induce hypertrophy.

My other thought is you're not eating properly or getting enough sleep to fuel the recovery.
Too much microtrauma is actually a bad thing. Too much DOMS can be the indicator. The rapid anfiltration of immune factores can cause too much breakdown of muscle proteins and even death of muscle cells.
Take it easy...

yeh i know i wouldnt work tha same group of muscles the next day... ill just be too sore to even do any work out period because of soreness i just thought there was somethings that people take to be able to recover from those tore muscles and not feel as sore

I agree with what everyone else has said. Don't do too much all at once, especially when you are first starting out because it will be mentally detrimental in continuing your workout plans. I also found that taking some kind of multi-vitamin/mineral supplement helped me out tremendously, along with just getting into the routine for a while and working myself up to it. I used to get DOMS like crazy especially in my chest, now pretty much nothing....
