Sore Toe

After running and feeling great yesterday, today my middle toe is so sore to the touch. Not by the nail, but more where the toe joins into the rest of the foot. The toe, and where it joins the foot (especially the underside of this area) is very tender. So tender, I am limping. Any ideas?
New shoes?

Sounds like your middle toe is probably touching/pressing/rubbing the front of your shoe. This would cause all of your symptoms. A lot of people wear shoes that are too small because they are not uncomfortably small. I would recommend going to your local running store and have them evaluate your shoe fit.

Also, leave some room in the front of your socks for your toes (don't pull them on tight).
probably the case if your middle toe is longer than your "big" toe but if not it might just be the way you move your toes when running. I have had this problem with my first toe (big toe) and I ended up using Arnica gel on it and taping it to the toe next to it for a while. It worked and within a few days the pain went away.
yep and yep what they said.

BUT- tey are giving you the benefit of the doubt on yoru experience. How often do you run, how long, and how far?