Sore Throat? :S

Are you running in the cold? Also, how long does the run take and what kind of intensity?
Nah not in the cold. It usually takes me about 30mins, and i do have a couple stops and walk for a few meters, then continue running. The first half of the run, is quite steap uphill, then it levels out flat or slightly down hill for the rest of the way.
Sounds weird. No trouble breathing or anything? Feel like something is obstructing your airway? 30 min usually isn't enough to leave you at a higher risk of upper respiratory tract infections, as that takes a pretty serious amount of exercise.
No trouble breathing, nothing obstructing my airway. Im healthy, no colds etc. I usually run in the arvo's and by morning my throat is back to normal :S

Thanks for replying :)
Sounds weird to me. no idea what it could be. Sorry. if it is something that worries you you should see a doctor.
i get it sometimes, but only outdoors when its cold. maybe you should slow down?