Sore muscles


New member
How do you all deal with sore muscles? I have tried hot water baths 3x today.. then i applied some sort of muscle cream..but nothing is working..It is so painful..

I didnt do my morning workout took a break from that obviously..
Should i tough it out and continue taking my evening walk at a lower pace?

Thanks, Jo
You probably should skip the walking for a couple of days...give those muscles a chance to relax and heal. I sometimes take some ibuprofen for muscle soreness and stiffness.
When you do go back to your workout, you might want to let up a little on what you were doing...sore muscles are your bodies way of telling you that you may be pushing it too hard. I would start back slowly and gradually build up.

Good luck...hope you are feeling better soon!
If your workout is leaving you in that much pain than you are almost certainly doing a higher intensity workout than you can handle at the beginning. Too much weight/ maybe too intense of cardio.
all resistance workouts should have 2 days rest minimum for the muscle groups worked regardless. when doing something new for the first time, there will be a great amount of soreness, but after the first month it's normally a tolerable daily thing.

This is also one of the reasons people like doing split based workouts. Then only one or 2 parts of the body is ever sore at one time, rather than one full body mess of soreness.
I agree that you should give at least 24 hours and preferably 48 hours rest to your muscles. BUT ... I don't think you should skip the walk. A little *gentle* movement and stretching will help - it really will. Just walk and stretch a little - and take some ibuprofen.

It won't be nearly as sore the next time you do it ... but lordy do I remember the first workout I did and how miserable I felt. You have my sympathies! :)
Thanks! I took some ibuprofen.and went for my walk. It was painful but after 15 minutes of walking it seemed a bit better.
The Power of Cold

I know this sounds crazy - but since inflammation is best battled by cold, you should consider an ice bath. If your muscles are really sore you should definitely stretch more/longer after your work outs and use ibuprofen, but consider taking an ice cold bath as well.

Fill the tub with water as cold as you can stand it, put on a tshirt, make yourself a hot cup of tea, and bring a watch. Sit in the tub for 15 minutes and I promise the next day you will feel much better. You can also use cold packs on extremely sore areas - I use them on my shins and calves the most, but they are great on shoulders, hips, your groin... anywhere that hurts post-work out. Use the packs for 20 minutes at a time, and make sure you have a face cloth or something between the pack and your skin so that you don't get frost bite. I wrap a tensor bandage around mine to make it extra snug.
An ice bath does sound crazy!! haha.. But willing to do anything to ease this pain! Looks like the Ibuprofin worked :) I thought i would be in much more pain after my walk last my surprise i actually feel a little better..I need to lay off the squats and lunges..I think thats where i over did it!

inflammation is best battled by cold, correct. but is she really inflammed? There is a difference between being sore, and hurt. Possible that her muscles are just sore and tight, in which case i don't think putting cold on a already too tight muscle would be the best advice.

To explain further i found this little gem.
"Athletes attempt to deal with muscular soreness in many ways. In a 2006 movie about gymnastics, “Stick It,” the main character, played by Missy Peregrym, is shown undergoing an extremely uncomfortable ice bath to aid in recovery. Although ice treatments are popular with gymnasts, when it comes to dealing with delayed-onset muscle soreness, or DOMS, those treatments don’t help. In a 1992 study published in the Journal of Athletic Training, the authors reported that not only is the ice treatment ineffective in reducing DOMS but that “the data suggest that ice application may be contraindicated in the treatment of DOMS.”"
Yeah, my understanding from a lot of reading (and I'll try to find some of my sources if anyone is curious) is that a real injury should be treated using the RICE method: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. But DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) from exercise or exertion is best treated by warmth, gentle massage, gentle motion, and whatever you can do to increase bloodflow to the muscle to aid/speed healing.

My personal experience has been that when I gently stretch and exercise muscles that are sore from an earlier workout, the pain goes away sooner.

I feel your pain. I had a knee injury a while back and just started running again but it is as if I have never run a day in my life. Last night after running 2 miles my whole body hurt so I took an epsom salt bath and presto! My muscles hurt less and this morning I felt much better. Just put 2 cups of epsom salt in a warm bath and soak for 20-30 minutes. I haven't tried the ice bath that was suggested but this is more pleasant and relaxing than freezing yourself for 15 minutes.

Good luck to all with your workouts!