sore knee

During my last run my right knee began to hurt. It almost feels like I'm twisting my knee while I run, if that's possible. It hurts when I bend it. I feel the pain directly under and to the inside of my kneecap. I'm not sure if I'm "bouncing" too much or pushing myself too much. I am new to running and I tend to jog slow but I think I "hover" on each leg, if that makes any sense. I don't want to injure myself especially in the beginning.
The new runner faces all kinds of small aches and pains from muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc. I would rest for a day or two and give it another try. If it is still store after a few days, you might want to see an orthopedist.
A knee emobilizer should take some of the pressure off of it. Also try heat for 20 minutes and then cold for 20 minutes. Keep the knee elevated. You should be able to run in a few days. Make sure next time you stretch before you exercise.