Soon to be Navy recruit, Need good running program.

Soon to be Navy recruit, I Need good running/workout program.

I'm a mother of one, I use to be in great shape but I haven't had much time to follow my old fittness schedule. I'm going to boot camp (hopefully by the first of the year) and I need to loose, as well as get my endurance up. If any one has any suggestions please let me know. If your military feel free to drop some boot camp tips on me ^.^
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navy huh....

Well as far as running goes this is the key, you need to be able to run 1.5 miles in like 13 min to get through boot camp, this is important cause if you can't do it you will be held back making your boot camp longer.

Here are some boot camp tips:

don't stress out, boot camp is nothing like the real navy

get used to wearing boots before you go in (blisters ouch)

memorize your SSN, trust me....

learn how to put military creases in your shirts before you go in

thats all i can think of right now, these are just tips, as long as you have patience you will be fine.

good luck to ya
bootcamp help

Well if navy bootcamp is anything like army bootcamp, i have a few tips for you. First of all, DONT LET THEM GET TO YOU!! The first few weeks are the hardest. The physical part is hard, but the mental games they play are the worse. It is a mindgame for the first part. Have a tough will and the physical part will come on its own. Stick it out, it will definitely be worth it. Congrats on joining the armed services!
First of all just practice the run everyday....start out with one mile. Time yourself at the end of the week and record your progress. After about two weeks of doing one mile go for a mile and a half everyday if that is the standard. Test yourself again...try pushing yourself a little harder each time until you can reach the standard and just maintain until you go in.

after about 6 weeks of practice you shouldn't have any problems with the run.

You might want to try working in some push-ups and sit-ups also.

Maybe 20-push-ups and 30 sit-ups everyday.

I was in the Army the standards were different but this is my best advice...ask your recruiter to share the Navy standards with you.

Good Luck and God Bless!!!!
My recruiter informed me that the requirement is 1.5 mi in 13 min.

In this case, just squat, deadlift, and run. I don't know your exact physical state right now, but 1.5 in 13 isn't very bad. Run it now and see if you can make it.