Soo, question from the new kid

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How often do you masturbate? For me, twice a day is the average.


I have a girlfriend and I masturbate 1-5 times a day anyways.

And dude, why is your nick 2girls1cup? That is sick..
with the OP's name I'm really not surprised that this is the type of question he is asking, hell I still haven't forgiven the person who is responsible for me getting the OP's username reference
1-5 times a day karky? do you have a extra nut? And also just wondering that if you have a girl friend and your gonna have a whip do you think of her or like just resort to porn or her best friends lol
I don't think of any of her best friends, though.. if someone of them were really hot I probably would :D I resort to porn and my imagination. Sometimes I imagine about her, but often it's about others.
what's so hard about that? once upon waking, once before dinner, once after dinner, once before supper, and then once before going to sleep.

Also, do we count going sevral times in one go? ;) :p
I have to hand it to you guys...
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