Somewhat disappointed


New member

So, I have made two posts to these forums with LOTS of views and no responses. This is not the place for me, so elsewhere I look. I need a community to help me with my questions, concerns, and endeavors. I wish you all the best of luck with good health and weight loss.


So, I have made two posts to these forums with LOTS of views and no responses. This is not the place for me, so elsewhere I look. I need a community to help me with my questions, concerns, and endeavors. I wish you all the best of luck with good health and weight loss.


Beth, is it really that bad? I just posted mine and I see 8 views and noone has replied, commented or said anything! My problem is I got to keep talking so I do not think about eating!!

Sorry that you are feeling discouraged. Sometimes people don't feel qualified to give an answer or they don't know the answer. The forum has busy times and slow times. You never know why. You only have 3 posts so far, you need to strike up conversation on some active threads and people will respond.
Unfortunately sometimes forums are a bit of a patient game...keep persisting. Its a useful place to be.
Lol. I do that too sometimes. At the top there is the option for 'new posts'. If you click on that you will get all the posts that were made since the last time you logged in.
Please do not think me rude, but yes, impatient. I guess I should look at other posts and give my two cents or perspective from my experience, but with how I am feeling at the moment, I guess I do not think I am qualified enough to help anyone, as I am trying to figure things out myself.

Me123 - my last post has 669 views. It is related to Metformin. I was hoping someone had some advice about it. It could be that those who see my posts do not have any understanding, and I can understand that. I was just thinking, out of that many people who saw that post, at least one would know something about Metformin. I have done the research, but I want information and advice from someone who has used it and experienced the side effects, or maybe did not have side effects.

But, with this post, I have hope. It is good to know that someone is actually reading what I write. I will do better at answering other posts as well. I can not complain about no one responding to mine when I am not responding to others.
Sorry you feel disappointed :(

When I first came here, I posted in the Newcomers section and got NO replies. It was a little disheartening, however I persevered on other threads and found that actually there is a lot of support and help.
It's not always an active forum and some sections are busier than others so that could be a contributing factor.

Sometimes I read posts and don't respond because I actually don't have relevant advice or knowledge (for specific diets, medical conditions etc). I think the post is informative but it's actually a question and therefore I can't reply. This could be an issue with your post? There is nothing worse than a post with a string of "I don't know"'s lol.

I suggest you persevere because parts of this site are truely helpful and motivational. It can just be a case of finding your way around first xx