Something We Didn't Know...

Alright, this thread should be interesting :) In here, you tell something that nobody knows about you. It could be a good thing, or a bad thing...past or present. You can submit multiple things at multiple times :)

I was going through some things earlier and found a letter that was sent to me a long time ago. It made me think of this thread so here is mine...

-When I was in the 5th grade, I submitted a poem I had written to an open poetry contest (any age), and was accepted as a top few to go to Washington D.C. fully paid for a poetry competition (you write more poems in Washington, then read it aloud and be judged by a ton of people). Had I won, or come in the top 5 I think it was, I could have gotten alot of money. I ended up not going because I was way too shy and embarressed :) Until now, only my mom and I knew about it...I made her promise not to tell anybody :p

Damn....I don't think I've ever done anything that interesting :(

I was once a walking fireball if that counts as interesting? I was leaning back against a hob I didn't know was on in my girlfriends house, I thought my back felt a bit hot and then my girlfriend started screaming and I could see these flames rising above my head (cheap nylon shirt from my job in a supermarket). Scary s**t I promise you
I would play SC more if my disk wasn't all ****ed up. It only manages to work half the time...That's something you didn't know.

Now, PB, what's your sn? Mine is Ellimist_Gamer. Add me.
on battlenet, my SN is deadliftzelot
but i have not been online in so long. :( i think they deleted it. and i cant connect to anymore!!!! D:< i have the 1.15 patch but it says that it cannot identify my application version and i should re instal. yea...i did and it still doesnt work. bs

i think i will try to mirror another 1.15 patch after i delete the one i have. that has to be the problem.
yea i figured lol. im guessing 2008, 2009?

i hope they make it worth wile though. im sure they will. im just hoping for classic gameplay mixed with some awesome graphic upgrades and new units. so far though, the 3d attempt they are going for looks medioker(sp?) IMO. at least for the jungle and volcano terrain. it looks good in space. i really hope they dont sacrifice gameplay for graphics lol that would suck.